Many of us, are weak at the word FREE.
So, am I.
I downloaded free stickers on viber. There were more that 30 free stickers that I downloaded, which cost me 480mb. And I rarely used them.
Then I wanted to delete the download stickers but, no option for that according to
They said that they are working, buy, instead you can disable it.
So, I navigated like this:
- My Files
- Device Storage
- Viber
- media
shown all the hidden files (menu>settings>Show hidden files>checked)
- There is a ".stickers" folder. And Oh, thats where all the downloaded sticker goes.
- Backuped all the folder in ".stickers" folder, just in case.(out of memory use dropbox or google drive or skydrive or there are lots of free service for your files storage)
- After successful backup, I deleted all the folders inside ".stickers" folder.
- I reopened the viber and tried to attach stickers.OMG it is redownloading.So, this is where 's disabling works. Then, I disabled all the unimportnt stickers and re-deleted No.7 steps which resulted me only default "Hi stickers" and those which I checked in viber's settings(This will happen when you try to browse stikers).
- And all done. CONGRATULATIONS, You have more free memory.
- Undo No 4 steps to hide hidden files (menu>settings>Show hidden files>unchecked)
- Enjoy!